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UV CONSULTING SRL is a leading company specialized in Mobile Phone accessories marketing.

Our activity started way back in 2000 and since then we are constantly developing and growing.

We offer an extensive range of unique products, technologies, and logistical solutions.

With a track record spanning more than 20 years, we have built a solid reputation of trust and integrity. We are proud of our experience and knowledge of developing and manufacturing mobile brands under strict European standards.

UV CONSULTING is among all a consulting company in the field of business development to numerous mobile accessories distribution, retail e-comers, and impulse marketing companies.

UV's biggest passion and vision are creating a better, greener, eco-friendlier environment for a better world to leave behind to our children and grandchildren.

Our designers constantly developing uncompromised quality products combined with an eco-friendly element which are sold all over Europe. All this while complying with a strict schedule and Knowledge of the market trends.

Our main operation in Europe. We own several cellular brands, among them, are BIOnd, ATS, Alpha, 6ix, and more. We work through 3rd parties with some of the biggest retailers in their field, with over 100 branches Each.

Our mission is to constantly strive for excellence and continuous improvement in all areas of our business. Excellence not just in terms of professionalism but also technological innovation, outstanding reliability, and superior quality with fewer pollution footsteps.

Open Workspace

Address: Rue d'Enghien 18-20, 1080 Bruxell, Belgium
Tel:+32 (0) 4 89772904


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